Thursday, September 30, 2010

I Wear My Heart on the Outside

He said: She builds walls not to keep you out, but to see if you love her enough to climb over, instead of walking away.
She didn't say anything and things went silent!
One year later, she stopped building walls, she started talking.
Now...I Wear My Heart on the Outside! I love you!
This is part of a larger project I'm doing now, called Feelings. And (no big surprise) the first one was about love...
Also, this photoshoot was made especially for Kinema Ikon.

Now, we did the shooting right next to the Absolutely Fabulous Fashion&Vintage fair, last weekend. The model was Ana-Maria Morodan (High Street Cardigans) and she just rocked the coat!

About the coat. Well, more on the site soon! Until then. Just start wearing your heart on the outside!Images: ArinaVarga

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Absolutely Fabulous Weekend

I finally got some images from the Absolutely Fabulous Fashion&Vintage fair, but I'm pretty sure you already seen them all :)) Even so, here I am sharing.

I just want to say I had a great time with the girls and can't wait for the next one! Kisses to you all: Diana Enciu and Alina Tanasa (Fabulous Pr, the organizers of the event), Ana-Maria Morodan (High Street Cardigans), Denisa Nookie (Fashion in my Eyes), Silvia Cimpeanu and Raluca Barbu (Bucharest Style), Laura Tenshi (Tokyo and Seoul Dreams), Aleka Sarah (Sunshine Sarah), Yivan Rodic (Face Hunter), Miruna Smeu, Irina Mitrenga, Adela Coman, Laura Mamuni, Alexandra (Mind Picture Symbiosis) and many, many more! Love you all!

*you can see one of the models that I gave away as a gift at this event (the red dress)From: Ana-Maria Morodan

Monday, September 27, 2010

A Girls Weekend

Well, this weekend I was in Bucharest, at the Absolutely Fabulous Fashion&Vintage fair. Loads of fun with the girls, loads of stuff happened, met loads of new people. But, since I don't have any photos (yes...soon maybe) I won't say more for now. Just that it was FABULOUS!

Until then, please enjoy this very soft photo-shoot, by David Francisco.From: TrendHunter

Sunday, September 26, 2010

About the LOVE

Those who know me personally, know I have a saying:
It's all about the LOVE!

No matter if there are problems or happy times, the reason (as far as I go) is LOVE. For me, it was all good, then all bad and then...pufff. Let's just say confusing and leave it like that! Now, I found my inspiration in it. So, made it into reality, had a little photoshoot with Ana-Maria Morodan and soon (this week) I will show you the result. Keep in mind, it's a soul-project!

Image: theFword

Creezi sau Donezi? (Romanian Fashion Bloggers) te invita la Orange concept store, sambata, 2 octombrie 2010, intre orele 11 si 18, la o petrecere creativa organizata in scop caritabil.La acest eveniment sunt chemati toti cei care doresc sa intinda o mana de ajutor intr-un mod inedit: cei prezenti vor putea crea sau achizitiona accesorii cu tema TOAMNA in schimul unei sume modice si in scop caritabil. Fondurile stranse vor fi donate fundatiei COPII de CRISTAL pentru infiintarea unui centru de zi pentru copii cu nevoi speciale.

Acest eveniment este continuarea editiei de Craciun si a celei de Paste. Un act firesc si o simpla initiativa voluntara. In fiecare editie alegem o cauza sugerata de membrii RFB Roxana Radu – fondator

Toate accesoriile si ustensilele necesare pentru petrecerea creativa sunt donate de catre membrii RFB. George Neagu, Diana Bobar, Josephine, Agata Secelean si Biba Bijoux sunt doar cativa dintre designerii care vor dona accesorii special create pentru aceasta editie.

Scopul principal al demersului nostru în cadrul “Creezi sau donezi”este atragerea de fonduri care vor asigura accesul persoanelor cu autism la sesiuni de terapie de specialitate, cat si a familiilor acestora. Terapia de specialitate reprezintă condiţia necesară şi obligatorie care va duce la îndeplinirea tuturor celorlalte obiective ce ţin de integrarea şi acceptarea socială. - Claudia Hriscanu, fundatia “Copiii de Cristal” Brasov

Asadar, sambata, 2 octombrie 2010, te asteptam pe calea Victoriei, nr.41, la Orange concept ctore, intre orele 11 si 18, fie sa iti pui in valoare talentul creativ in scop caritabil, fie sa ajuti o cauza nobila, cumparand accesorii si piese vestimentare.

Romanian Fashion Bloggers
( reprezinta bloggerii romani de moda, fie ca acestia lucreaza in industria modei romanesti, sau sunt doar pasionati de moda. RFB se considera a fi o comunitate, un blog colectiv si informational si o platforma unde se poate comenta liber despre moda in diversele ei forme – de la fotografie la modelling.

COPIII DE CRISTAL” este o asociaţie a părinţilor cu copii cu nevoi speciale, persoană juridică de drept privat, fără scop patrimonial, non-guvernamentală.Una din nevoile cele mai urgente pentru întreaga zonă a Braşovului este înfiinţarea unui Centru de zi pentru copiii cu nevoi speciale. Nevoia este semnalată atât de părinţi cât şi de specialişti (medici neuropsihiatrii, psihologi, psihopedagogi, cadre didactice).

Unfortunately, I won't be able to make it. That's on the same weekend I'll go back home (only for a few days). But make sure you pass by and give a helping hand! Kisses!
From: RFB

Friday, September 24, 2010

Round, and Round, and Round it Goes

...when it will stop, nobody knows!
The photos are part of a shooting for Diva Magazine, by photographer Susanne Stemmer. Magical, playful and at the same the dark! (love it when contrasts connect perfectly like this)

As far as the Marry-go-Round...what can I say? Life is just like that! Especially for the ones that work for/in the fashion industry. It's all picture-perfect, but sometimes too perfect to be real. It's all just an image, just stressed people... even so. The world of fashion keeps going round, and round, and...From: TrendHunter

Hair it BIG!

It's been a while since the afro was popular, but starting with spring-summer 2011 it will be a must! Again, the phrase the bigger the better is going to work and I couldn't be happier! I just love this look and I'm sure it will go fantastic with my red hair!As shocking as it may sound, I'm sure this trend will catch with most long-haired fashionistas! The overall image being just too cool to resist!

Absolutely Fabulous Fair

Absolutely Fabulous Fair //
25&26 septembrie //
La Blanca //
Calea Dorobantilor no.18

So now you know my plans for the weekend. I will be there (visiting again. Hope soon I'll be able to take part with some fabulous fashion designs) together with my partner in crime, Miss HighStreetCardigans! As I said on my Facebook page: It's going to be a fabulous-snobbish weekend, with loads of theFword...s! :))
Now, here is the presentation (in Romanian, because it's in Bucharest,Romania):
Sambata si duminica, 25 si 26 septembrie, intre orele 11:00 -19:00, la restaurantul La Blanca, Calea Dorobantilor Nr.18, va avea loc cea de-a patra editie Absolutely Fabulous Fashion&Vintage fair.

Pentru ca fashionistele din Bucuresti merita sa devina celebre, super cunoscutul blogger din spatele &, Yvan Rodic, faimos in toata lumea ca FACE HUNTER, va fi prezent la eveniment pentru a surprinde in fotografiile sale tinerele pentru care moda reprezinta un mod de viata.

Incantat de conceptul Absolutely Fabulous si de revista cu acelasi nume (, lansata de Diana Enciu si Alina Tanasa in dorinta de a sustine tinerii designeri romani si curentul vintage, Yvan va fi alaturi atat de participantii, cat si de vizitatorii targului Absolutely Fabulous.

Asa cum au fost obisnuite de fiecare data, vizitatoarele vor putea castiga premii in ambele zile de desfasurare a evenimentului: produse cosmetice de la MioBio si La Jaboneria, Tshirt-uri din colectia Absolutely Fabulous, produse semnate Eugenia Enciu, Arina Varga, o sedinta foto de la, accesorii si rujuri de la Snobbish Breakfast, tshirt-uri de la L-KIT si carti de la Anthony Frost English Bookshop.

Fiecare vizitatoare va primi cadou un sticker personalizat Absolutely Fabulous, oferit de Caiverzipepereti.

So girls, let’s shop & be fabulous!
Or, in my words: Be there, or be square!...or any other geometrical form! :*

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Gabriela Mot Illustations

I'm always happy to write about people I know, because they are fantastic! Today, I bring you Gabriela Mot! Actually, you've met her before, but as a fashion designer-> here!

Now, you might remember she was in my fashion-design class at University, in Timisoara. So I know her well enough to tell you that her illustrations are amazing! Just look at the lines, the position of the model...all is perfect! I really can't wait to see more of her work! Surely, this young lady is going to go places! From: Gabriela Mot

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Optimum Optimus Prime Ring


So, to save the world, to be a geek, to wear gold, or just Optimus Prime ring is a must! Or maybe one for each finger? hmmm...tempting! Plus, I have some personal reasons!:))

*by deviantartist Dans-Magic (as an order for a client)From: Geekologie

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Pencil vs. Camera

For a while now we didn't have a "Meet..." post. So it was high-time to do one. And no better occasion (or character) then Ben Heine!!! So, fashion lovers and art passionate, meet Ben Heine!

I guess he knows himself better then anybody else , so here is what he had to say:
I'm a Belgian painter, illustrator, portraitist, caricaturist and photographer. I was born in Abidjan, Ivory Coast and currently live and work in Brussels. I studied graphic arts and sculpture and I also have a degree in journalism. I have 8 years of professional experience as a graphic creator.

Not too much information, but his works speak by themselves! His art is a mix of classic photography, with the classic technique of drawing, that results in a fun and playful work! If the real world isn't the way we want to, why not just take a pencil and change it?! :))

*you can see here all (I think all...) the Pencil vs. Camera CollectionFrom:Pencil vs. Camera Collection,Ben Heine

Can I Get a Spock Hand?

Now, how cool is this zipped-up hoodie from threadless? :))) Just the perrrfect thing for that geek craving I seem to be suffering of lately.
So, you can keep it cool and straight with strangers and wide and opened with your friends (the true ones, that agree with your Star Trek philosophy)!From: threadless

Tagging Walls of Paper

Here comes from Quirk Books, author Sherwood Forlee, a notebook like no other! The Walls Notebook! It's made out of 160 pages of blank, clean walls (back from the 80s, so you'll get a true graffiti feeling), just waiting for you!

After the Fashionary, this is the notebook that really made we twitch! Fun, but not really for me :)) Even so, I think it would be great to own one! Plus, for a street artist, it should be fantastic!From Urban Outfitters, the.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


We all like to do different thing to relax. But these days it's getting harder and harder to find stuff that really can make you disconnect, or to find the time to do so.

I like to do needlework! Ok please do stop laughing! It took a lot of guts for me to come clean here!, theFword have the hobby of a grandmother! ;))) The point is, it's something that makes me forget about everything!

Now, what do you do to relax? What dirty little secret are you hiding! Pls share!!! ;)))
The image above, is my work -> special oder and gift for a person very dear to me, that I love a lot! See? I share!

image: theFword