I just want to say I had a great time with the girls and can't wait for the next one! Kisses to you all: Diana Enciu and Alina Tanasa (Fabulous Pr, the organizers of the event), Ana-Maria Morodan (High Street Cardigans), Denisa Nookie (Fashion in my Eyes), Silvia Cimpeanu and Raluca Barbu (Bucharest Style), Laura Tenshi (Tokyo and Seoul Dreams), Aleka Sarah (Sunshine Sarah), Yivan Rodic (Face Hunter), Miruna Smeu, Irina Mitrenga, Adela Coman, Laura Mamuni, Alexandra (Mind Picture Symbiosis) and many, many more! Love you all!
*you can see one of the models that I gave away as a gift at this event (the red dress)
J'adore the red dress, the orange shoes and bag !
Katia la nantaise
:)) :***10q
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