Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Arina Varga - Super Duper Sale!

We are on spring-cleaning mode!
That's why, everything must go! And believe me, the prices are more the tasty! All products are 100ron or under (if you decided to get one, at that certain price it will be added the cost of transport).

You can see all the products on sale on Atelier Arina Varga, facebook page. It will be available until March 9th, current year. So be sure to check out the products (more images there) daily, because more will be added each day!

Ahhh...nothing compares with the last sale of the season! Oh, by the way, not only autumn-winter models will be available! ;) Oh, just go look! :)Images: Atelier Arina Varga

Friday, February 24, 2012

This Is The Men

This shoot reminds me of a rather old French Connection collection video. Do you remember it? It was called This is the Men (and This is the Women - for the lady's collection).

Yep...this is THE men!
Strong, ragged, peaceful, a artist, a thinker, a philosopher, an appreciator of arts. He has strong believes and believes in himself! He will always be a gentlemen and an animal (when he has to...if you know what I mean). Athletic and elegant, wise and with a great sens of humor. He laughs with all his heart and cries for within his soul...

This is the men. Is he? he real? He might just be. Because a real men, is ...well, real! You learn to love all the good things and the bad things about him. Because all of them, make him the men he is!

Magazine: Robb Report
Issue: March 2012
Editorial: Outside The Lines
Model: Rainer
Groomer: Martial Vivot
Stylist: Christopher Campbell |Atelier Management|
Photographer: Blair Getz Mezibov
Website: Atelier ManagementFrom: DesignScene

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Kate and Day and Freckles

I came across this set of photos a few days ago. Taken by one of my all-time favorite photographer: Corrine Day. Portraying Kate Moss and her adorable freckles!

Why am I showing them?
Do I really need a reason? Well, maybe most of you would say Because it's Kate! or the smart-ass would say Because it's Day!. Or the list could go on...but not with the right answer...

The truth's because I love her freckles! From: Everyday I Show

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Spirals in the Snow

Pretty, right?
Ohhh...alost makes you want for winter to stay longer...ok, not that far! It's really pretty, really cool...but, again: SUMMER WE WANT!

Here, you can see the work of Sonja Hinrichsen. Crazy and hypnotic, makes you think about winter-aliens? Me, I see strings. Perfect strings all over a white blanket. But maybe that's just me, thinking fashion almost all the time...

So, it's official. This is the last winter-related post (until December, maybe). Good-bye cold weather! I'm ready for warm winds, colored cocktails, blue waters and sunny music! :)From: Thaeger

Monday, February 20, 2012

This or That?

I need your help...between these 2?
Is it Jellyfish frenzy your favorite?
Or is it Jellyfish rain? Well, I'm researching patterns for a new collection. The colors will the bolder, of course. Plus, also the lines will be cleaner and smoother...but, which one?!
So give a helping comment. Plss!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Friends, Coffee and Maybe More

A true friendship can not be compared to anything!
Agree? Let's just say you do...
A true friendship between two girls is...almost impossible!

Why do I think that? Well, girls are simply too catty to be true, to be friends. Maybe they only become great friends when they meet the right person. Who knows?!
The truth is that once they've met, they will be inseparable for life! :) And, even more important, they will be inseparable!!! Best 'friend-glue' I ever found! Ohhh...that sweet (bitter actually, 'cause I have mine without sugar or milk, like MY friend) elixir of happiness!

So, we have two good friends, we added coffee...what comes next?! Oh, you know! Talking about, about anything, everything and nothing! If possible all at the same time...yep, only pros can do that! ;))

We talk, we drink, we feel good, we grow a friendship! Hope about a late Friday coffee? Just to kick-off the weekend! ;)

Photographer: Andrey Yakovlev
Models: Sasha Silver, Kristina Purvinska, Ekaterina Shimanskaya
Make-up: Lili Aleeva
Hair Style: "Le Colon"
Fashion style: Alena Akhmadullina
Magazine: VogueImages: Behance

Poor Céline

Soft or hard, it doesn't matter...
It is fragile.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Rover Dog is 'Pugalicious' much as it hurts to look at these images, I must share them with you...because these pugs are just too cool!!!

Too cool for school, for the beach, for the back yard, or for the city streets! What can I say? Style baby! Style!
All thanks to Rover Dog, whom have the plan to save the world by dressing pugs (and other dogs+cats) in stylish trenches, shirts, coats...and they are doing a pretty good job! Just look at the details :)

I miss Frankie. I miss him everyday. It's amazing how much we get attached to the little souls full of love, that live right next to us! So, let's end by sending Frankie all the love to puppy heaven! :***

Now, be prepared for a 'pugalicious' treat! :)))Also something for the chickas:Even cats must be in-style!From: Rover Dog

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Pour les Touristes

This is the project of photographer Phillip Kalantzis Cope, about the world seen out of a plane window.

'On the plane', tells the story of the unnatural/natural feeling that us, humans, have as we fly way up in the sky! We really enjoy it, but at the same time find it incredibly uncomfortable. A feeling of misplacement builds inside us and at the very same time we feel a freedom that simply has no compassion!
Being in flight is one of the most unnatural, extraordinary, ordinary experiences of modern life. When we climb to 30,000 feet, our perspective looking down at the world becomes that of a deity, and the rules of time and space are altered as we rush over the earth.
In flight we are able to view the most remote corners of the natural world and the vast spread of the world we have constructed. It gives us the unique perspective to look at the interaction of the natural and constructed in a truly holistic way.
I feel like taking off...
Just for a few days, just for the sake of traveling...From: Brekend

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

BONE - Love is dead.

At first, when I saw this pieces of jewelry I thought: yes nice, very nice! I sure people will love them, but they are not for me. I'm not big on the statement jewelry trend...but after taking a closer look...OH MY GOD!!!


The first collection Love is dead. from the new brand BONE (bones don't cry) is simply perfect. An overall great, gorgeous look, with a strong background story...just in case it needed backing-up!

But, as it is said, the Devil is in the details! and there's nothing I love most then devilish details! Take a look for yourself, I'm sure you'll end-up just like me, frantically looking for the 'SHOP' button!

Congratulations Ioana Liliana Gheorghe and to all the team that worked at the shooting! I already can't wait to see more!
As for you, my dear readers, pleas enjoy: Love is dead. on Valentine's Day! :)Images: BONE