Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Halloween Anyone?

With Halloween coming soon, I'm already starting to get orders for outfits. That's why I was researching on the subject and came across this. How cool and creative are this masks? I mean, I find them just fantastic, especially because of the optical-illusion effect!

I too am thinking about Halloween. I just love costumes and the fun of wearing them. And why not? Who doesn't want the mystery? Or better yet, the childhood feeling of it all! For me, Halloween is about fun, about candy...non of that girls dressing-up like a sexy-little-furry animal! :) Let's just keep it fun! :))

Oh, what the hack?! Go sexy, go crazy! Just go have fun! :)))From: theCoolHunter


Anonymous said...

Indeed, some of them are truly amazing! I really love the one with the coloured little cubes :)

Arina said...

that's my favorite one also!