Saturday, February 12, 2011

Friday Horror - ROBOT

Here I go again, with my obsession for horror and for Joshua Hoffine's photos! I can't help it! I am a fan!

Well, this looks to me just perfect for Friday evening (night here). It was a crazy week and I just need a break. So, movie night it is! The girls, pillows, wine and "la pièce de résistance": horror movies! Deliciously evil fun! :))

That's why I decided to share with you, Joshua Hoffine's latest project: ROBOT.This actually is (or will be) an album cover.
An Electro Synth Rock band from Ontario Canada called Raggedy Angry sent me an email asking if I would be interested in creating cover artwork for their new album entitled HOW I LEARNED TO LOVE OUR ROBOT OVERLORDS. I told them they had me at the word ‘Robot’! I pitched an idea involving a Robot with giant syringes for hands.
Well, the work is again fantastic and the detail are to die for! You can see from the images below how involved he is in his work. Uh...the making off is always so interesting...:)

Now, let's get scared! From:Joshua Hoffine

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