...and here is all the proof you need:

Yes, old photos, showing
Super Heros doing what they know best: giving a helping hand! But I'm not sure what exactly
Darth Vader was doing there...
Born in 1980 photographer and illustrator Agan Harahap from Jakarta, Indonesia, currently works for music magazine TRAX. His latest photography project called ‘Super Hero’ consists of memorable political and wartime scenes from the mid-20th century featuring beloved superheros like Spiderman or Batman in some interesting and funny positions – true juxtaposition in effect. It’s fun to see Superman standing in the Neuschwanstein Castle.
Format Magazine
am o intrebare: la ce pret se ridica o rochie creata de tine?:)
pt k imi plac creatiile tale si mi-ar placea foarte mult sa am una in garderoba ;))
sorry sorry sorry! Acuma am vazut cometariul! :)) da-mi un mail (gasesti adresa pr www.arinavarga.ro) si vb!
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