A few weeks ago, she presented her collection (I think it was her first one) at the Romanian Fashion Week - Iasi. Needless to say, it was a success! But that's not the reason why I wanted to talk about her (at the Fashion Week, there were many great shows). She is the winner of Elle Romania contest: Young Fashion Designers.
When her sketches appeared in the magazine, there were many that simply didn't understand what Andreea wanted to express - I admit, I was one of those people. The sketches were very artistic, in watery grays. Unfortunately I don't have a picture of them, in order to make my self clear...sorry. Anyways! The result: a great collection, a great designer. The geometry of shapes, the clean cuts, the impeccable fabric - you know I go cu-cu about all of them! Just a beautiful (in the word's true meaning) collection! I just love it!

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