Monday, June 27, 2011

@ We Love Couture

You can find my designs on the We Love Couture site. Here they are, there to be found. Also, right now there's a discount going on, so you can get them at great prices!

I, for one, am very excited about the We Love Couture site, because I know they are true professionals! So, enjoy shopping there. I'm sure you'll find something you'll love! From: We Love Couture

Friday, June 24, 2011

Midnight Randevú

I'll meet you at midnight!
I'll meet you at midnight!
I'll meet you at midnight...

Should be sexier, but it's not. It's sweet and childish and innocent! Glasses of milk and M&Ms cookies...and being so late, who knows what might happen?

This is what I do when I'm sad, or just not feeling right. I bake! So, for the first time I did cookies (sorry all, but in Romania, they are not that popular). And I must say, I had loads of fun making them :))) So... I'll meet you at midnight! ;)Images: theFword

Pugs and Fashion

Ever since Frankie, aka. Frankie Frank, entered my life, I started researching on the connection between pugs and fashion. And, to my surprise...there is a big and strong connection!

I'm sure that Valentino is the one that made pugs so fashionable! :)) But even so, they are soooo cute!!!...and I'm not just saying that because I have one! ;)
Now, after seeing all these images, I can't wait for Autumn! Mwahahahaha! Yes, I can already imagine a shoot with Frankie and a few of my designs! Yes! It will be fantastic! :D

This is pug-love! usual...I'm sharing the LOVE! ;)From: Frankie Frank

Monday, June 20, 2011

Dreaming Green

It was a crazy week, but as usual, I absolutely loved it! The crazier it gets, the more I like it. Yep...not normal at all, but still...:)))

Out of all the dresses, blouses and fabrics, there were 3 dresses that stood put! All of them made out of Georgette fabric; a silky green one! Pufff...because I didn't really had time to take pictures of the dresses, the quality is not perfect (oh...and the color of the last dress is actually the same with the first 2 got screwed -up because if the camera)

I hope you like them as much as I do (also, had a really great time making them. I really missed that feeling).Images: ArinaVarga

Friday, June 17, 2011

Absolutely Fabulous Fashion&Vintage Fair

Summer Edition the 18th-19th of June
11:00 – 19:00
(Str. Pictor Arthur Verona, Nr.2, Bucharest)

In order to enjoy this Summer, be sure to check the Absolutely Fabulous Fashion&Vintage Fair. We won't take part at this edition, but we'll be there with our hearts!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

LOVE on walls

A month ago I went ot Bogdanator's Art Show @ Bruiaj, in Timisoara. And while admiring the art work, I also took a few shots of the bar. Yep, that's when I took these images!

Now, unfortunately, they are all in Romanian. Buu-huu. But, here is a little Romanian lesson to help you understand:
First image:
-Do you love me Nicu?
-Hold on Honey, let us get to know each other better...

Second image:
Te iubesc = I LOVE YOU is funny that way! ;)))Images: theFword

Hoffine's "Pickman’s Masterpiece"

I'm always happy to see Joshua Hoffine's work! And this shooting is a real treat!

Why? Because, for the first time I think, he shows us a story-line! Fantastic! It all reminds me of a comic book. Also thanks to Damian Blake (a talented performer and professional Charlie Chaplin impersonator), who plays the main character in this shooting.

More about the shoot:
This sequence of images is based on a short story by H.P. Lovecraft called PICKMAN’S MODEL. This story was originally published in 1927 in Weird Tales.
I was attracted to this project because of the character of Pickman – who in Lovecraft’s mythology is a brilliant but marginalized artist notorious for his horrifying artwork. Due to the graphic and disturbing nature of his work, his membership to the Boston Arts Club is revoked and he is shunned by his fellow artists.
Yes, because of Joshua Hoffine, I believe in the attraction of horror, of the grotesque! From: JoshuaHoffine Blog

Sunday, June 12, 2011

For a Killer Look

I know this is going to be a real treat for all you theFword readers, viewers and users!!! Here, for your delight, we have Ted Noten's makeup kit that turns every woman into a pistol-packing spy!
Because if Angeline Jolie is any indication,
the ideal woman is an ass-kicking secret agent.
The project, a 7 series one, is called Necessities for a Woman (to Feel Like a Woman Through the Eyes of a Man).
Dior001 is a gun (Noten’s signature) loaded with accoutrements, including Dior lip gloss, an antique hairpin, an arsenal of pharmaceuticals, a USB stick with “secret information,” 
and a 100-gram sterling silver bar. Likewise,
Chanel001 conceals Chanel lip gloss, an antique hairpin, a 18k gold toothpick, a perfume bottle with an 18k gold mechanism, a 50-gram 24kt gold bar, a USB stick, and a Viagra pill.
In short, all the stuff a girl wouldn’t leave home without.
Wow...a must have girls! Right? Fashionable, cute, killer cool and geeky at the same time. Yep...all the things I love and need to survive in the urban jungle! ;)) So, Bang! Bang away!From: FastCoDesign

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Little Freak Who Will Love Us

At my age, people keep talking about relationships. How they are, how they should be and so on. I'm really bored about the subject (only because I feel that talking about it, just steals all the magic in it).

The latest conclusion? Girls like bad boys! (to quote a friend: the James Dean type, the forgetting my birthday type...not the cheating bastard type!). Now, if you ask me, every boy is bad for a certain girl.
Maybe not bad, but unhealthy as far as the relation goes...

Yes, we are all freaks! We all act silly and really don't get each other...that's why, whenever people talk about relationships, in my mind keeps ringing a Sex and the City quote.
Somewhere out there is another little freak who will love us, understand us, and kiss our 3 heads and make it all better.
Carrie Bradshaw
Funny and true. Funny because it's true! :)) Now...all I can say is have a freaky weekend!Aaahh Freak out! Le Freak, C'est ChicFrom: Fashion Served

Ballet and the City

Last night, after a few shots, after tasting a few mummy drinks, after watching something violent, after leaving to go home, after getting in the car...I noticed something fantastic.

It was rainy, dark and cold, but at the same it all felt safe, intimate and cozy. And then...I heard the music, the classical music. The classical Vivaldi, the classical Paul de Senneville and Olivier Toussaint...and so on. It all got confusing ans I remembered!
I remembered the city, the wet look, the ballet!
I remembered Dane Shitagi's New York City Ballerina Project.

Now, as I'm looking out the all makes perfect sens. Ballerinas, a city in the rain, fragile and in the wind. This photo-set is a true love declaration to all of us who love the urban life.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Miami Vintage Vice...

Sometimes, I dream of running away. Don't you? Don't you wish to runway? To a retro past, with fantastic, colorful clothes in your suitcase and that special someone next to you?

How about Miami? Old-school, retro Miami! For this summer, it looks like the perfect destination. And if I get really up-set, trust me I'll just take a trip there! Why? Because I went there a few years ago...and I know that sometime, in certain places, the light is soft, just like in the pictures here.

But, before I start dreaming about holidays...STOP! and back to work! Yes...hammer time! :))) Even so, this photo shoot is dreamy... ;)

Magazine: Vogue Hombre
Photographer: Alexander Neumann
Fashion editor: Danny Santiago
Models: Julia Dunstall and Velencoso Segura
Brands: Prada, Vera Wang, Bottega Veneta etc.From: FashionGoneRogue