Thursday, July 30, 2009

Why Kids and Horror Movies Go Well Together...

Vee Speers is a great photographer that manages to capture the true personality of anyone. Case and point: kids. Creepy little kids that whisper I see dead people...

Don't get me wrong, I like the little ones, but I just can't ignore all the movies, the images (remember Joshua Hoffine and Zhang Pen?)...the creepy trends. Now, after this, I too must admit I have an obsession. Even so, as long as no little-long haired-girl doesn't come to my bedside calling my name, it's all fine! Actually it's great! :))

So, I guess that Vee made a point with these pictures. As far as I'm concerned!VEE SPEERS

1 comment:

Chotronette said...

Can't wait to see 'Orphan'. Though not necessarily my cup of tea.. this one actually has potential.