Easter is the most important celebration in the Christian calendar and you all know what it means and so on. So, because the orthodox Easter will be in a few days, I decided to chat about egg printing (very popular in Romania and other orthodox countries).
What’s the connection between fashion and these eggs? The print is inspired from traditional Romanian costumes and in my opinion it could also go the other way around (also form the technical point of view, the manufacturing). Just imagine a beautiful summer dress, with the borders printed in different types of pattern.
There are many ways to paint eggs and the traditional ones always involve natural elements (natural paint). The most popular one is the wax technique. Using a special tool (a piece of wood that has a short and tine metal tube at the end) and clean candle wax, local artist realize the outline of the wanted drawing. After that, the egg is dipped in hot paint mixture (during this, the wax will fall off, leaving behind just the print). In order to obtain a multi-colored egg, use as many layers of wax and color as you need. Remember, the part that is covered in wax won’t get printed.

Another way to obtain beautiful eggs (and my personal favorite), is the green way, the eco-friendly, green, so on, so on, way. So, first of all, you will need to prepare a natural hot color (let’s say yellow, using tea). Boil the eggs in that mixture, for aprox. 8-10 min. Meanwhile, get a few leaves (like clover) and grease one side with oil. On the hot eggs, attach the leaves (with the greased side on them). Be careful not to move it, because it may get the eggs oily and they won’t get colored. Making sure the leaves are in place, put each egg in a nylon sock and tide them so the leaves won’t move. Place the socked-eggs in red paint (obtained from boiling red onion leaves). After a few minutes, take them out and remove the leave, under it you will see its impression. (you can use this method to create street art impressions).

Using natural colors is great, especially in the fashion industry. You can make white fabrics seem warmer, by boiling them in tea (depending on what you want to obtain, you can chose from light to dark colored). Don’t be scared, the transformation won’t be shocking, but it will make a difference.
Happy Easter!