Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Drinks and Talk

Starting today, we have a new talking/discussing/drinking tea/wine/coffee corner at Atelier Arina Varga!!! A place to dream new designs, to come up with new ideas...

The table and chairs are a gift from my from my 85 year old grandmother. They are from the early 1900, made in Austria...and I just love them. Also, I got the lamp from the most amazing antique store in Arad, that has become one of my favorite places to shop at (more stuff from them, soon)!

So, here is the place were we'll talk from now on! Be sure to visit Atelier Arina Varga for a cup/glass of daily fashion! ;)

Bisous!Images: Atelier Arina Varga

Let's Eat!

Dinner for 2!
Lunch for 2!
2 for 2!
When a "2" is involved, it's always sexual! Not only in preparing the food with your own body, but in eating the food also. A "2" is a "2", no matter what!

A Great Sale!!!

The We Love Couture has organized a great sale for you!

With the occasion of Romania's National Day (December 1st), all items in the colors RED, YELLOW and BLUE will have a -22% sale! Better start shopping while it lasts (29/11-4/12).

I have 2 designs taking part at this sale. A dress (was:324lei, now:253lei) and a shirt (was:161lei, now:126lei). That's a pretty good deal if you ask me...:)Images: We Love Couture

My Donation

For the RFB event I am donating this dress (size M).

It's part of the aw 2011/2012 collection - All Along the Watchtower - and I think it's just perfect for office parties, Christmas...well, for all the Merry season approaching!

As a plus, the full-length zipper in the back is sure to be a hit! A little sassy, but that's ok sometimes, right? :))Now all you have to do, is visit the event: Creezi sau Donezi (Create or Donate)!!! Enjoy!

Creezi sau Donezi?

Create or Donate?

This is a project by RFB (Romanian Fashion Bloggers)
It is a creative party that will focus on charity (all the money will be donated).
So, you can come there to create, to donate, or to buy something fantastic for yourself (designers, me included, are donating different creations for this event).
RFB, Romexpo si Club 4×4 Romania te invita in perioada 1 – 4 decembrie 2011 la “Creezi sau Donezi? Iarna 2011”, o petrecere creativa organizata in scop caritabil in cadrul targului CBS – Targ de Cadouri de Craciun, Decoratiuni si Suveniruri.

Fondurile obtinute in urma acestui eveniment caritabil vor fi folosite pentru a ajuta 50 de copii, prescolari de la gradinita din Grosani – Slanic Prahova in cadrul campaniei umanitare organizate de Club 4×4 Romania. Mai multe detalii despre campania umanitara pe club4×

Esti invitat sa creezi si sa donezi, in scop caritabil si intr-un mod inedit, intr-una din zonele spatiului in care se va desfasura cea de-a IV-a editie “Creezi sau Donezi?”.

Zona de creatie – Zona din care alegi din accesoriile si ustensilele disponibile, ce doresti si ce te inspira si iti creezi singur un glob pentru pomul de Craciun al socrilor, o felicitare pentru bunica, o brosa pentru prietena cea mai buna sau un inel de logodna pentru iubita. Lasi in schimb in cosul de donatii o bancnota pentru copii prescolari de la gradinita din Grosani. Cu bancnota de la tine vom cumpara copiilor creioane colorate si acuarele, sa poata si ei oferi bunicilor o felicitare, fratilor mai mici bomboane colorate … de Craciun.

Zona de donatie – Piesele expuse vor fi donate de membrii RFB, bloggeri, prieteni, artisti si designeri. Iti alegi o piesa vestimentara sau un accesoriu pe plac sau pentru familie, rude si prieteni. Lasi in schimb in cosul de donatii o bancnota pentru copii prescolari de la gradinita din Grosani. Cu bancnota de la tine le vom cumpara un fular, o caciulita de lana sau manusi … sa le fie cald de Craciun.

Accesoriile si ustensilele necesare pentru eveniment sunt donate de membrii RFB si membrii Clubului 4×4 Romania. Designeri romani consacrati si membrii RFB precum Agata Secelean, Diana Bobar, Josephine sau Ludmila Corlateanu vor dona piese din colectiile lor, piese ce vor expuse in zona de donatie.

“Creezi sau Donezi?” se afla la a IV-a editie. Este incercarea noastra, a membrilor RFB, de a oferi un cadou de Craciun celor dragi si copiilor. Ne aflam la a doua colaborare cu Clubul 4×4 Romania, club care organizeaza in fiecare an, de Craciun, o actiune umanitara pentru copii. Ne folosim de creativitate, moda si 4×4 pentru a aduce zambetul pe chipul ingeresc al unui copil. Sunt absolut sigura ca vom fi surprinsi de creativitatea si de darnicia bucurestenilor. Oricine poate dona de Craciun. Roxana Radu – fondator RFB.

“In fiecare an organizam cate doua actiuni cu caracter umanitar si ajutam acolo unde este nevoie. De cele mai multe ori, banii stransi se duc in locuri extrem de izolate, descoperite in expeditiile Clubului 4×4 Romania, unde nu este curent electric si cu acces imposibil pentru alte masini inafara de cele de teren”, Ligia Popescu – Club 4×4 Romania.

Te asteptam in perioada 1- 4 decembrie 2011 in Centrul Expozitional Romexpo, in pavilionul C2, intre orele 10 si 18, fie sa iti pui in valoare talentul creativ in scop caritabil, fie sa ajuti o cauza nobila, achizitionand accesorii de Craciun.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Prohibition Party

-opening of Atelier Arina Varga
I finally managed to give an opening party for the atelier! And it all went pretty good...I hope/guess. Friends!!! Was it fun for you? Because I for one, had a blast! :)))

The theme (we MUST always have a theme) was PROHIBITION...the '20s! With this post I just wanted to thank all my friends, that were here with me and for me, while making the Atelier happen! Not all of them were able to make it to the party (and I am very sorry for that, but happy...because this way I have a good reason to give another party). I love you all!!! And not all of them are in the pictures posted here. sorry, but there are enough images to make you feel the mood...

Now, in the picture below, you can see my Redhead. You can't see the color, but believe me, it's her! I put this picture so high-up, because I was her mother to see how pretty she looked (I hope all my friends moms read my blog, so that they can see how pretty their kids looked at my party).

ahhh...It was a great white night! :)Images: theFword

Festivalul Tinerilor Designeri din Vestul Tarii

Translation: The Young Designers from the West Region of the Country Festival...or something like that.

It was a festival, dedicated to young designers from the west part of Romania and it took place in Arad. I had a lot of fun and I hope that the feeling is mutual to the models and visitors. Also, I'm so happy I got to meet some great and interesting people, right here, in my sweet home town! It turns out I don't know everybody!...and as far as I'm concern, that's just great!!!

Here, you can see the All Along the Watchtower collection (only a small part of it). But, people can come and see the rest of the collection at the showroom, in Arad (just give a mail/call before doing so).

HERE you can listen to the song that played during the fashion show. We didn't go with Jimi as far as the music was concerned. We just considered that Ram Jam was a batter choice for the catwalk.

Now, that's enough! Back to work...Oh, see an interview with me and 2 other designers, after the event. Talking about fashion. Now there's a subject that just keeps me talking and talking and talking...just get me started. You'll see! ;)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

It Is a Man's World

For a while now I've been telling everybody I want to start making man clothing! And for a while, I just didn't do anything in that direction. But things and times change and here we are, with out first man dedicated product!

It's a classic trench. Simple, but at the same time perfect (because it will just fit like a glove in your wardrobe)! It is also practical, with the pockets and everything.
Now, you can have it transformed for cold weather (adding layers on the inside) but this model is the simple version. Also, you can change the pattern on the inside, according to your own style and taste (natural silk)!

Hope you will enjoy and love it!

Fabric: cotton with texture and natural silk on the inside (it can be changed)
Color: beige (it can be changed)
Size: only orders (S/M/L/XL)
Price: 500 RON

*For orders: e-mail or facebook (Atelier Arina Varga)From: Arina Varga

Monday, November 21, 2011

Back in RED

While the rest of the species descended from apes, redheads descended from cats.- Mark Twain

Friday, November 18, 2011

Forgot to Show...

It's been a crazy couple of months! But I'd be lying if I said I didn't really enjoy them. Yes, I love my job. I love what I do (and that makes things a lot easier).

So, I came across some images with some of the work I've been doing (and got to take pictures of...that usually doesn't happen) and decided it was high-time to show them to you. Better late the never I always say!

Here they are. Please enjoy and if you like/want any of them, just contact me on e-mail or facebook. Kisses!From: Arina Varga