How would the fashion world look like if the designers were all Disney characters? Well, Elle Spain offered the visual answer, with drawings by Ulrich Schröder.
Too much fun! I mostly love Karl, who is (of course) the BIG BAD WOLF! Can't wait for more cartoon-inspired designers to pop-up! Because they are so big, they truly are characters!
and u are?!
No shit, Einstein?
Atunci cum de eu si multe alte cliente ale ei sunt perfect satisfacute de munca si seriozitatea ei?
For f* sake, tipa a venit pana in Bucuresti sa-mi aduca o rochie gata facuta si perfecta fara a-mi face macar proba. Isn't that serious enough for you?
Sorry Arina, daca te-a deranjat commentul meu, dar m-am enervat.
chill sweetie! I know I can't make everybody happy! :) dar nah...fiecare are dreptul la o opinie, nu?:)
That's true also, love... :) Dar diplomatia conteaza, felul unui om de a se exprima spune mult.
Desi nici eu nu am fost prea decenta in exprimare in comentariul de mai sus si imi cer scuze pt. asta. xD
:)))))))) figura esti!!!
:* mai, acuma ca sunt in Pitesti (si cam in fiecare weekend in Bucuresti, poate ne vedem si noi)
sure thing ;)
pana in august nu voi fi in capitala, si in diverse plimbari prin tara/tari :D dar ar fi dragut...
hey add me if you want: aleka_rock_rose
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