Nothing fancy, but 100% Eco-friendly bags...with really fancy texts printed on them. Now, I don't know about you, but I really enjoy these type of bags (I think I have about 5 of them, with different messages). And now, now I want one from MAUDE & TILDA!!! Plsss!!! Christmas time and all...so?...
No comment? Ok...I guess I'll just get one by myself! :) Even so, I hope you will consider changing your plastic bags with Eco-friendly ones. And while doing so, why not go for something "fashion-related"? :))

I couldn't had said it better myself. Because we all hope one day to to such a reckless thing! It's a bag, it's so expensive...but we all want one! And to get it by ourselves ... well, that would be fantastic!
One day...

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