I've been pretty busy these past few weeks and with summer already here, girls just want more and more dresses. It's great, because I love making them! No matter what, dresses will always be a girly-girl thing!
So, I thought I should share with you my latest work. The girl wanted it for an office party and I'm sure she's going to rock with it! Well...it's not really in my crazy pattern scheme, but I'm happy how it came out!
Cute and at the same time office appropriate! Here is the
Office-Party Dress:
If you like it and are interested in getting one for yourself (even in another color)
e-mail me!
Este foarte interesanta!
Multumesc:) E mai simplutza, dar are ceva asa, special :)
hei! nu vreau sa o iei ca pe o critica. e doar o parere personala...rochita e nice ca si idee, dar ii lipseste ceva. nu stiu, poate un finisaj mai nice pe cordon care se termina cam brusc.:)
too many "nice" in aceeasi sintagma. sorry! :d
@ingrideas: Draga mea, orice critica e mai mult decat binevenita! Ma bucur de commentul tau. Sincer:) Si in plus, sunt de acord cu tine, doar ca nah...clientul are intotdeauna dreptate, chiar si atunci cand nu are:))))
pana la urma na! vecinii lu' bunica-mea aveau dreptate - de gustibus et coloribus non est disputandum :D
Mie imi place asa 'simpluta'! Less is more! Si daca o vrei mai interesanta pune-i o curea care sa o puna si mai bine in evidenta! ;)
sau poate cordonul legat in funda la spate! Ca sa nu mai zic de 'how fashionable' este griul!
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