This week, was my mom's birthday (May 21st). But with all the work I have, I didn't get to wish her an on-line Happy Birthday! She is great and as far as style, she is a true inspiration to me.

When she was about my age (even younger) she used to make her on clothes (pieces I am still wearing, because they are just so fabulous). She combined crazy colors and different fabrics, things that normally wouldn't go great together. But even with all the craziness, she still had as simplicity about her, a clean and fresh look. I love it!
She collects shoes (like a true fashionista).
She wears white, but doesn't get dirty (no matter what).
She managed to spend her whole life on high-heels.
She matches the color of her shoes to the color (and fabric) of her purse, because she will always be a lady (keepin' it old school)
she was in love with Lennon! :))))))
A Late Happy Birthday Mommy, you are my inspiration! :)