Ad you may well know, one of the biggest inspiration for fashion is the world of ROCK! As soon as the rockin' began, fashion was there to support it! This is a tribute from the F industry, to the Gods of Rock!
Let it rain with thunders colored in hard violet - the color of rock royalty!

Images: GriUrban
Ha! Ce ma bucur ca ti-au placut! Cand le-am gasit am fost blown away, mai ales de varianta Yoko Ono & Lennon...Nu ai mentionat care e favorita ta!?!?
Pana pe la 14 ani, tata a tot sperat ca am sa devin viitorul Jimi Hendrix al lumii...evident in varianta feminina. E clar ca nu i-am indeplinit visul, pentru ca sunt afoana, nu am ureche muzicala, nu am talent la muzica...nimic.
Cat despre Jimi, cu el inca am o relatie speciala :)) What can I say? He's an ICON!
Asa ca, favorita mea e poza cu Jimi, Jim si Janis! :)))))
Hahaha! Ce tata funky! :))
Pe mine m-a vrut rugbist!
by the way...http://blogs.fashionweekdaily.com/?p=6844
Doamne, unde le gasesti?????????????????????????????????????????????
Pai, cred ca din link in link...
woah, i LOVED that spread.
I understand you!!! :) and I shear the love!
this is really the very best post i´ve ever seen darling!
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